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Listen to Divine classes-Pastor Joel

Monday, August 5, 2013


"And he LEFT from There, and dug ANOTHER well; and for that they STROVE NOT.."
Genesis 26:22
Never be Complacent,there is a HIGHER place than where you are;there is a Greater achievement than what you have experienced.There is a place where God wants to take you,a level where your Enemies will be too weak to fight against you.A level where they will never dare to strive with you;Very far from your Enemy's reach.
Just Like Isaac,he dug ANOTHER well;Never get tired to try Again.Don't  accept your Last defeat to Ground you;God has got a SECOND chance for you.May you take time to find out whatever is PENDING in your Life.Revisit it and make a Resolution to do it again.
As you DO it again,I see God changing your LEVEL to a GREATER ACHIEVEMENT.Nothing shall stop it.
So shall it be In Jesus Name.

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