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Listen to Divine classes-Pastor Joel

Sunday, August 18, 2013


"Saying, touch NOT mine anointed, and do my prophet NO HARM"
Psalm 105:14-15
Hallow Champion, this is your inheritance from your Father. Devil's mission against your life is to kill, steal and destroy. He wants to kill your health, your relationship and your business,he will always plan to steal your Joy and your opportunities,he will always desire to destroy your finances and progress. But here is a good news to you; God has declared that you are untouchable as the servant of God. No evil is allowed to touch you and anything concerning you. Whatever devil has designed against your success and your progress it shall never touch you In Jesus Name. Can you confess" I am UNTOUCHABLE, devil shall never have access to anything concerning my life IN Jesus name, I am Heavily PROTECTED by God's mighty Power, In Jesus Name, So shall it be"

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