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Listen to Divine classes-Pastor Joel

Thursday, August 22, 2013


"Cast Your BURDEN upon the Lord, and he shall SUSTAIN you: he shall NEVER suffer the righteous to be moved"

 Psalm 55:22

 Every time when there is any burden in your life God desires to relieve you.However,He can't forceful take it from you,it has to be willingly by you casting it to Him.

 Today,REFUSE to carry anything in your MIND or HEART that is a burden in one way or another.May you cast whatever troubles you to God and He shall SUSTAIN you throughout.He shall NEVER allow you to be defeated today.

 CONFESSION-"Lord,thank you because I will never allow this burden(mention it) to steal my joy,I cast it to you and as your word says,today I Shall be SUSTAINED in everything,shame,lack and Loss shall never be part of my Life"

 So shall it be In Jesus Name.

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