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Listen to Divine classes-Pastor Joel

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


"And being NOT WEAK in faith, he CONSIDERED NOT his own body NOW DEAD, when he was about an hundred years old, neither yet the DEADNESS of Sarah's womb"
Romans 4:19
God has great things prepared for you today,however you will need to believe BEYOND what you see physically to receive your PROMISE.
Abraham had great promise from God but the physical evidence was very contrary to the promise.Do you know how he received the Promise?"He REFUSED to CONSIDER all negative situations".This is what you need to do in your Life,to INTENTIONALLY REFUSE to consider/be discouraged/be intimidated by whatever thing that seem to be against your progress.
CONFESS-"I fully believe in God,every situation that shows my dream,plan or expectation is impossible;I REFUSE to be discouraged by them,In Jesus Name"
Just as Abraham became great in the midst of negative surroundings.I see you emerging a CHAMPION in the midst of those CHALLENGES.So shall it be in Jesus Name

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