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Listen to Divine classes-Pastor Joel

Saturday, August 17, 2013


"And WHATSOEVER you shall ask in my name, that will I Do, that the Father may be GLORIFIED in the Son"
 John 14:13
 It's your day of ANSWERED PRAYERS,God is giving you an open checque.Prayer was not designed to make people beggars but to make them RECEIVERS through their genuine FELLOWSHIP with God.
 God's desire is for every single prayer to be answered.Sometimes we might be tempted to think some of the things God can't respond,but the truth is,He desires to be part of everything about us.Can you take few minutes now and Present to Him that which you want Him to do in your life Today in Jesus Name.
 As you Obey this,I see you receiving your desire before the end of the Day.
 Confession"As I have prayed,I shall receive that which I desire Today"
 So shall it be in Jesus Name.
 Remember to tell us your testimony for the Glory of God.

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