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Listen to Divine classes-Pastor Joel

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


"A THOUSAND shall FALL at your side, and TEN THOUSAND at your right hand; but it shall NOT come NEAR You"
Psalm 91:7
You belong to a different KINGDOM,you are separated from Others.Whatever evil that happens to others No matter how close is to you;Is Not permitted to touch you.When ten thousands cries God has reserved you to keep on LAUGHING,When thousand business are CLOSING;yours shall be GROWING,when ten thousands FAILS;you were ordained to SUCCEED.You are designed to SHINE in the midst of those who FALL.When you see TROUBLES all around you; REJOICE,because God wants to DISTINGUISH you from OTHERS.
Today;You shall THRIVE where others STARVE,You shall RISE where others FALL.
Confess"I am DISTINGUISHED,I am SEPARATED,I am DESIGNED to show others that when everyone FAIL,God can make someone to RISE"
I see you RISING ABOVE every storm Today,so shall it be,In Jesus Name.

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