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Listen to Divine classes-Pastor Joel

Monday, August 12, 2013


And from the days of John the Baptist UNTIL NOW the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the VIOLENT take it BY FORCE"
 Matthew 11:12
 We are living in the days whereby power is more appreciated than diplomacy.Since the day John was beheaded,God declared another order of Life for every born again individual.If you are not violent you will be VICTIM in Life.Take and EXERCISE your authority today,Never allow devil to steal your PEACE and JOY,give him no chance to behead your :Health,carrier,relationship or finance.
 Open your mouth and command him today"DEVIL,GET OUT FROM WHATEVER CONCERNS OF ME,IN JESUS NAME",
 I see you being free from whatever evil initiated by the enemy,In Jesus Name.
 So shall it be.

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