BEIRUT/AMMAN - Syria's opposition accused President Bashar Assad's forces of gassing many hundreds of people - by one report as many as 1,300 - on Wednesday in what would, if confirmed, be the world's worst chemical weapons attack in decades.
Western and regional countries called for UN chemical weapons investigators - who arrived in Damascus just three days ago - to be urgently dispatched to the scene of one of the deadliest incidents of the two-year-old civil war.
Images, including some taken by freelance photographers and supplied to Reuters, showed scores of bodies including of small children, laid out on the floor of a clinic with no visible signs of injuries.
Reuters was not independently able to verify the cause of their death. The Syrian government denied that it had used chemical arms.
George Sabra, one of the leading opponents of Assad, said the death toll was 1,300 killed by poison gas rained down on suburbs east of Damascus.
"Today's crimes are ... not the first time the regime has used chemical weapons. But they constitute a turning point in the regime's operations," he told a news conference in Istanbul. "This time it was for annihilation rather than terror."
An opposition monitoring group, citing figures compiled from medical clinics in the Damascus suburbs, put the death toll at 494 - 90 percent of them killed by gas, the rest by bombing and conventional arms. The rebel Syrian National Coalition said 650 people had been killed.

King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia has called on Arabs to stand together against "attempts to destabilise" Egypt. "The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, its people and government stood and stands by today with its brothers in Egypt against terrorism," he said in a statement read on state TV on Friday, backing Egypt's military leadership. "I call on the honest men of Egypt and the Arab and Muslim nations ... to stand as one man and with one heart in the face of attempts to destabilise a country that is at the forefront of Arab and Muslim history," he added.
He also said that they were confident that Egypt will recover.
Saudi Arabia was a close ally of former President Hosni Mubarak and has
historically had a difficult relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood.
It pledged $5bn in aid to Egypt after Mohamed Morsi of the Brotherhood
was ousted from the presidency last month.
Saudi Arabia "has stood and stands with its Egyptian brothers against
terrorism, deviance and sedition, and against those who try to interfere
in Egypt's internal affairs... and its legitimate rights in deterring
those tampering with and misleading" its people, he said.
THE TEN STRATEGIES OF THE PLAN -Adopted by UN atarted being implemented more than 40 years ago– (By Alice Bailey)
1. Push God out of the schools.
If the people grow up without reference to God, then they will consider God irrelevant to day to day life. In the last fifty years this has happened. God is irrelevant to most people.
2. Break the Traditional Judaeo-Christian Family Concept.
Break communication between parents and children so that parents can’t pass on spiritual values to their children. Do this by pushing excessive child rights.
3. Remove restrictions on sex.
Sex is the biggest joy and Christianity robs people of this. People must be freed to enjoy it without restrictions. It’s not just for married, it’s for everybody.
4. Since sex is the greatest expression of man’s enjoyment of life, man must be free to express sex in ALL its forms.
Homosexuality, orgies, even bestiality are desirable so long as no one is being abused or harmed.
5. People must be free to abort unwanted children.
If a man can have sex and then live without the consequences then the same should be true for a woman too. A woman must have the right to abort an unwanted child.
6. Every person develops soul bonds, so when a soul bond wears out a person must be free to divorce.
When one starts to grow, one must be free to get together with that person even if they are married .
7. Defuse religious radicalism.
Christianity says JESUS IS THE ONLY WAY. Defuse this by a) silencing Christianity and b) promoting other faiths (the creation of interfaith harmony)
8. Use the Media to Influence Mass Opinion.
Create mass opinion that is receptive to these values by using TV, film, the press etc. (NB what western believers call normal in the African church would be pornography).
9. Debase art in all its forms.
Corrupt music, painting, poetry and every expression of the heart and make is obscene, immoral and occultic. Debase the arts in every way possible.
10.Get the church to endorse every one of these nine strategies.
Get the church to accept these principles and to say they’re OK (then legal ground is given for these values to get a foothold).
Q: So how do you get a NEW WORLD ORDER you may ask?
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New details obtained by News of Rwanda may give insight into why Tanzania’s President Jakaya Kikwete came out as the sole global leader sympathetic to Rwandan FDLR rebels based in DR Congo jungles since 1994.
According to secret US State Department cables published by whistle-blowing site Wikileaks, President Jakaya Kikwete’s wife fondly known in Tanzania as “Mama Salma Kikwete” is a cousin of former Rwanda leader Juvenal Habyarimana. The shocking details are contained in a cable sent to Washington on Thursday May 5th, 2005, by Shabyna Stillman, a senior diplomat at the US embassy in Dar es Salaam.
The US embassy was giving update on the selection of Mr Jakaya Kikwete to be the CCM flag-bearer in the presidential election late that year. “For years, observers of the Great Lakes conflicts have considered Kikwete to be virulently pro-Hutu,” reads the cable, in part.
“Kikwete’s marriage to a cousin of former Rwandan President Juvenal Habyarimana may have fueled these rumors, which are now fading as the Burundi conflict winds down,” adds the cable, signed by Stillman.
According to the US embassy, Mr Kikwete’s love affair with “Hutus” could be seen in his spirited support for Burundian rebels at the time fighting former President Pierre Buyoya.
Since 1995, up until 2005 when Mr. Kikwete was foreign affairs minister of Tanzania, rumours have swelled around him suggesting he sided massively with the ethnic extremist establishment. It is this system that planned and executed the genocide against Tutsis in 1994, and fled across to Zaire and other parts of the world.
It is alleged, around 1996, Mr Kikwete suggested publicly that “Hutus” need to be armed to fight off the government in Kigali at the time. A book published by virulent critic of President Paul Kagame and historian Gérard PRUNIER writes that Tanzania did offer to train troops for Seth Sendashonga.
A former leader of the Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF), for whom he was a minister in the government set up after the rebel movement’s victory over the army and the militias responsible for the genocide in 1994, Mr. Sendashonga was murdered in Nairobi, Kenya, on 16 May 1998 by, according to PRUNIER, “unknown assailants.”
Fast forward to May 26, 2013, President Jakaya Kikwete goes public with a suggestion that the government of President Kagame in Rwanda negotiates with rebels of the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR). The group was formed in May 2000, but its members had been roaming DRC forests ever since they lost power in Kigali.
The suggestion by a head of state of Tanzania, a country that had long been considered a friendly nation to Rwanda, caught many by surprise. Since then, the two countries are embroiled in a bitter war of words.
The ex-Rwandan Juvenal Habyarimana died on the evening of April 6th, 1994, after his plane was shot down by extremist members of inner circle who did not want the peace talks with the RPF rebels. In the same plane was Burundian counterpart Cyprien Ntaryamira and French pilots.
The death of the French crew has been the centre of legal battles in France and the United States. A French judicial inquiry did confirm that the plane was brought down by a missile fired from a military camp next to Habyarimana’s home near the airport.
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