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Listen to Divine classes-Pastor Joel
Friday, August 30, 2013
LIMBLESS(no legs no hands) BUT NOT VISIONLESS..!!!
LIMBLESS(no legs no hands) BUT NOT VISIONLESS..!!!
(watch the video below)

(watch the video below)
"And the glory of the Lord shall be REVEALED, and ALL flesh shall SEE it together: for the MOUTH of the Lord has SPOKEN it"
Isaiah 40:5
God want's to prove that He is WITH you. His Glory shall be seen in your life in such a way that EVERYONE around you shall KNOW that something has happened in your Life.
It doesn't depend on what men say but on what God has said.
Those who think that God has left you, they will be surprised to see His DIVINE INTERVENTION very near from now.
So shall it be in Jesus Name.
So shall it be in Jesus Name.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
The world gasped in horror when a pair of Taliban assassins shot Malala Yousafzai, by then a 14-year-old Pakistani 9th grader, in the head while she was riding the bus home from school. This was no random act of violence: Yousafzai was targeted by the Taliban because of her fight for girls’ education. When she was shot, we all learned her name—and a crucial lesson in gratitude.In 2009, Yousafzai came to public attention when she wrote a diary, published by the BBC, about her experiences living under the Taliban. In some ways, Yousafzai reminds us of other girl diarists who have shocked us out of our complacency: Anne Frank, of course, and also Zlata Filipovic, whose diary, published in 1993, described her life in Sarajevo during the Bosnian war. But Yousafzai’s activism continued beyond her writing: She appeared in documentaries, she was active on Facebook and, perhaps most importantly, she defied a Taliban edict and continued going to school.
Why is it that a girl’s voice can be so powerful? Perhaps it’s that even when the world goes haywire, we all want our kids to have the same things: a full stomach, a warm bed, a comforting hug. A safe place to learn and a safe place to play. Yousafzai was not only clear about the ways she was being denied these rights, but she was also willing to confront the people who wish to take them from her.
And for that courage we are grateful: grateful that she dared to speak up, even at the risk of her life. Grateful that the world has taken notice. Grateful that we have the chance to follow her example and campaign for the causes we feel passionate about, whatever they may be. And grateful, too, that regardless of who becomes president in November, we will still live in a country where girls can learn to read without fearing a shot to the head.
This year September malala will receive a children peace award together with euro 100,000 that will be dedicated to the projects of her cause.
Is there any cause you are pursuing in LIFE?
Bill gates
1. They didn’t use excuses.
We all have two voices. There’s the voice that tells us to work hard, to focus on the task at hand and to finish it before we move on to the next. And to finish it well.
We also have the voice that tells us to take a break, to think about what’s on TV, or to visit a site that we like to visit that entertains us – whether it’s ESPN.com or FACEBOOK.
In life we’re the victim of injustice from time to time. It could be a promotion that we deserve but don’t get. No matter who we are, we’re going to be treated unfairly at some point. We can either feel sorry for ourselves, or push forward and put it behind us – even use it as motivation.
Nelson Mandela could have used his unjust imprisonment as an excuse to give into his anger. Instead, he used it as an opportunity to learn, grow, and eventually free others.
Listen to your excuses. Understand why you have them. Then figure out how you can use them for good.
2. It wasn’t just about them.
‘Things’ can be a motivator, they can even be a reward, but they can’t be the motivator. The truly successful in life always get there because they created change in the lives of others, not just their own.
If something drives you that is greater than just the ‘ends’, we’re going to work harder, longer, and we’re going to give more of ourselves to our project.
Yes we can make money when we have the primary goal of making money. Some might even use that money for good – which is awesome. But there’s no fulfillment in simply making money. And isn’t that the point?
3. Early mornings and late nights.
People who have achieved true success in their lives have worked for it.
This might come at the detriment of other areas of their lives, such as family or social life. But their mission is first and foremost. Until it’s complete, everything else comes second.
There’s literally no substitute for hard work. Abraham Lincoln said, “Things may come to those who wait… but only the things left by those who hustle.” If you want to be successful, you’re going to have to out hustle everyone else.
4. The greatest commodity.
Energy is a huge commodity that is often not talked about. Yes, energy in the sense of fuel and electricity is talked about everywhere, but I’m talking about our own energy levels.
The fact is that the more energy we have, the easier it is to focus, and the higher the quality of our work is.
One of Richard Branson‘s ‘key’s to success’ is staying in great physical shape. So would raised energy levels be the greatest benefit to working out? It may be.
Keeping physically fit gives us greater blood-flow to our brain, enhanced alertness and improved focus. Make training a routine part of your life and increase your chances at success – in every meaning of the word.
5. Principles.
History will be kind to me. For I intend to write it.
Winston Churchill had principles. The difference between him and the rest of us, is that he stuck to his principles at all costs. He didn’t waver when they weren’t popular – an extreme rarity in politics.
What are your principles? All of us should have them, know what they are, and live our lives by them.
One of Apple’s principles is to bring change to the world through technology, and they do it with every product they release.
Identify what principles you have that guide your life through tough times, and when things couldn’t be any better. They shouldn’t change, and at your core, neither should you.
6. Wavering, yet unbreakable faith.
We all have moments of doubt. Even the best of us question if our dream is going to come true. The one thing that separates the truly successful from those who never reach their true potential is an unbreakable faith in the fact that what they’re doing is right.
Even if they have moments of doubt, they’re soon quelled, where other’s listen to that doubt and let it eat them up and finally they quit.
Have your moments of doubt. You’re human. Just don’t let that doubt eat you up. Instead let it motivate you to prove your optimism right.
7. A reason.
Many of the greatest accomplishments in the world were accomplished by insecure men and women, people who had something to prove to others. A desire to elevate their status and create change that was so strong, that failure is simply never and option.
Abraham Lincoln‘s reason(s) had to do a lot with his view of himself in relation to how other’s viewed him. Where others saw a poor, illiterate boy, Lincoln saw someone capable of achieving more, even if he had to do it completely on his own. He also saw the need for change. A nation that preached freedom wasn’t free. He saw something fundamentally wrong with this and set out to change it. His why wasn’t about him. Which in turn made him one of history’s great men.
Understand why. You have that reason to work when others sleep, to sacrifice a safe life for a risky one with no ceiling. Find it by asking why, and not stopping until you hit your core, emotional reason for wanting to change your status, or the status of others.
8. They persevered when others didn’t.
How does the guy who quit on his dream know how long it would’ve taken him to become a success? He doesn’t. None of us do. It could be tomorrow, or ten years from now.
What separates a lot of the great people we read about in our history books from those we’ve never heard of is the fact that they never quit. Quitting was never an option. They only stopped when they reached their dream. And even then, they created a new mission.
Take James J. Braddock, or even Nelson Mandela, for example. They didn’t achieve their greatness or success early on in their careers or in life like some. They achieved it after surviving. They survived while others literally died, or quit. In their cases it wasn’t just that they were the best, but they were the best because of what they endured. They were the last one’s standing.
We don’t know when our breakthrough will come. So don’t guarantee your failure by quitting. You can adapt, change, and evolve, but never, never, never quit.
9. Great people relentlessly studied their craft.
Tony Gwynn and Mike Tyson studied their craft as much as anyone. Gwynn spent hours upon hours studying opposing pitchers. He studied their patterns. He wasn’t the most athletic guy around, but he put his work in to be the best at what he did: hit baseballs.
When people think of Tyson, they think of an animal, but what we fail to see is the student. No one studied boxing like Tyson did. Watched more film than anyone in the history of the sport. He was a student first, a fighter second.
These great athletes studied film, but how can we perfect our craft?
If you are a writter,read books about how to become a better writer, ways to connect with the reader, and you simply read great books written by authors who are much better at writing than you. If you’re in sales, read and study sales. If you’re a marketer, then do the same with marketing.
Being a drone that simply goes through the motions is no way to achieve greatness. Assuming success is something you want, you have to study your craft, whatever it may be. Learn it inside and out. Build a wealth of knowledge. It’ll help you create great, inspiring, and unique work.
10. Risk.
No risk, no reward. Yes it’s an over-used, cliché of a phrase. But it’s true. Those who have achieved real success have often risked the most to get there.
There have been billions of people throughout history who have had the ability to achieve greatness, whether it was the talent or smarts, they had it. What they didn’t have was the guts to risk the life that they were living. They also didn’t have the work ethic to see their talent realized.
The greatest tragedy in life is wasted talent ~ A Bronx Tale
Your big, audacious dream might be to marry the girl of your dreams and have a family with her. You risk might be to leave the career that you love in order to support her and your family. Your dream might be to help millions live longer, healthier lives. Whatever your dream is, give it enough of a chance to be realized.
Risk if you truly want to see the reward
Credits to addicted2sucess site
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
As a boy, Ben Carson watched his father walk out on his family, closing the door on a life the 8-year-old would never know again. Through periods of heartbreak, fear and financial struggle, his mother, Sonya Carson, provided for Ben and his brother. A determined woman with only a third-grade education, she insisted her sons see their potential and that they never let circumstances get them down. She taught them that education would change their lives.
As the director of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Carson, 57, was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom for his groundbreaking contributions to medicine and his efforts to help America’s youth fulfill their potential.
Even at 8, when his father left, Carson knew he wanted to be a doctor, he writes in his autobiography, Gifted Hands. When Sonya Carson moved her sons from their modest house in Detroit to live with her brother and his wife in Boston, she scrimped and sacrificed so they could return. When they did, they had to settle for Detroit’s downtown housing projects—but at least they were home.
Sonya Carson knew the world held more hope for her boys than the ghetto offered. She struggled to support the family without relying on government assistance.Ben was lost, hopelessly behind in his schoolwork in a school that was competitive. The other kids picked on him and called him “dummy.” Ben lashed back with his fists. He resigned himself to thinking he was stupid.
With both boys’ grades suffering, Sonya took away the TV and replaced it with library cards. She required both sons to read two books a week and turn in book reports. The boys left the reports on the table for her before going to bed. In the morning, they found red check marks on their papers, signifying her approval.
The boys did not realize until they were adults that their mother couldn’t read. Last summer, she beamed as President Bush bestowed the Medal of Freedom on her son and acknowledged her. “Even in the toughest times, she always encouraged her children’s dreams,” Bush said. “She never allowed them to see themselves as victims. She never, ever gave up.”
Carson gives his mother much of the credit for his success. “If my mother had not been such a positive influence in my life, and had not stressed education as much as she did, I would definitely not have made it into medicine,” he said. “I probably wouldn’t have found my way to college at all.”
Reading changed Ben Carson’s life. Books became an escape for him. He enjoyed reading about animals and nature and found self-confidence in his newfound knowledge.
As a fifth grader, he could identify the rocks he found along the railroad tracks on his walk home from school. His brother, Curtis, who grew up to become an engineer, kidded Ben about the rocks. But Ben was not deterred.Also in fifth grade, an eye test revealed Ben badly needed glasses. With his new love for knowledge and a shiny pair of glasses, his world was changing. As his grades improved, the name-calling stopped. Other kids began to respect him and even ask for help with their schoolwork. He knew he could achieve anything he set his mind to—and that knowledge helped him make his dreams come true. “As my mother would tell me,” he says, “ ‘Give your best, Ben Carson. Settle for nothing less than doing your best for yourself and others.’ ”
His hard work continued through high school and he won a scholarship to Yale, followed by medical school at the University of Michigan. At 33, Carson became the youngest physician to head a major division at Johns Hopkins.
Carson now concentrates on traumatic brain injuries, brain and spinal cord tumors, and neurological and congenital disorders. In 1987, he led a team of 69 medical professionals in achieving a first: successfully separating conjoined twins who were attached at the back of their heads.
He continues to revolutionize neurosurgery with advanced techniques such as hemispherectomies, removing half the brain to treat seizure disorders. The radical procedure is performed, usually on children, when all other treatment options have been exhausted. Since the 1980s, Carson has refined and developed new approaches to these delicate surgeries, increasing universal success rates.
The doctor believes that encouraging people to succeed in life is as important as the work he does in the operating room. “The neurosurgery provides a platform for me to help people recognize that the person who has the most influence on them and their success is themselves,” he says. “If I didn’t do all that I do as a doctor, then nobody would want to hear what I have to say.”
He views education and knowledge as central to a successful life. “Acquiring knowledge makes you an incredibly valuable person,” Carson says. “And reading, because that exercises your mind, is like exercising your mind with weights.”
Throughout his early years, Carson relied on the kindness and guidance of mentors. One of his earliest was an elementary school science teacher who sparked his interest in research and studying organisms under a microscope. “From that point on, I always knew I wanted to be a doctor,” he says.
A mentor who influenced Carson greatly during his last two years at medical school was Dr. James Taren, a renowned neurosurgeon, who stressed that patients deserve a doctor’s full attention, that there is no “time off” when someone’s life hangs in the balance. “The person in the bed isn’t just a patient, but a human being with a name and a life outside the hospital,” Carson says.
“There are definitely not enough mentors today,” he says. “That’s one of the reasons I try to encourage people to look at their sphere of influence and to seek out young people. If you mentor someone and get them going, and then they do that for someone else, it has a ripple effect. And I can’t overemphasize how much help we need mentoring young people today.”
In 1994, Carson and his wife, Candy, founded the Carson Scholars Fund, a nonprofit organization rewarding students in fourth through 11th grades who strive for academic excellence and demonstrate a strong commitment to their communities. “We want these scholars to think that they are world-beaters,” he says. “You take a fourth-, fifth- or sixth-grader and give them all the attention for academic achievement and humanitarian qualities and you have started something.”
The Carson Scholars Fund has awarded more than 3,400 college scholarships. Through annual golf tournaments, galas and other events, along with the help of a star-studded board of directors, the organization continues to raise money to expand the program. His dream is to have a Carson Scholar in every school in the country.
“Once you begin to understand and realize what you are capable of, the whole world changes,” he says. “When I was in the fifth grade and I thought I was a dummy, I was relatively depressed. That’s probably why I was angry all the time. But once I discovered through reading that I could control my own future, it was like someone had lifted a veil; I couldn’t get enough knowledge at that point. Everything that was new was exciting to me, and I began to think about what I was going to do, how I was going to change the world.” He pauses and seems to reflect on his profound childhood transformation before finishing his thought. “I had the same brain, just a different attitude.”
1.Rich people have an action mentality
You wouldn’t see a rich person lining up to play the lottery (even before they were rich). Average people are always waiting on someone else to help them get rich - the Lotto, Government, friend or spouse – but it only keeps them poor. Rich people take action and spend time solving problems.
2.Rich people favor specific knowledge over formal education
Average people believe the road to riches is through doing masters and doctorates. Rich people are generally rich because they have made money selling a specific knowledge they have acquired.
3. Rich people dream of the future.
Rich people spend a lot of time looking into the future, setting goals and looking forward to what lies ahead. Average people dwell on the past which often holds them back by making them unhappy or depressed.
4. Rich people think about money logically
Average and well-educated people can fall into the trap of thinking about money emotionally and just wanting to retire comfortably. Rich people maintain a logical relationship with money viewing it as a tool that represents options and opportunities.
5. Rich people follow their passion
Oprah Winfrey said it – you’ve got to follow your passion and do what you love. Rich people find a way of getting paid for doing something they love. Average people earn money doing things they don’t love.
6. Rich people aim high
Average people set low expectations to avoid disappointment whereas rich people set huge expectations and follow their dreams.
7. Rich people believe you have to “be” someone
Average people on the other hand believe you have to “do” something to be rich and focus on immediate results. Rich people continuously focus on bettering themselves and learn from success and failures.
8. Rich people use other people’s money
Average people believe they need their own money to make money whereas rich people have no problem using other people’s.
9. Rich people live below their means
It seems contradictory to the above statement but rich people adopt the attitude of getting rich so you can afford to live below your means. Average people live beyond their means.
10. Rich people teach their children how to be rich.
Average people teach their children how to survive whereas rich people teach their children from an early age about the world of haves and have nots.
11. Rich people would rather be educated than entertained
Average people are the opposite. They read novels, tabloids and entertainment rather than continuously educating themselves after school/work.
12. Rich people surround themselves with like-minded people
Average people think rich people are snobs and have a negative attitude towards the super rich. Rich people steer clear of the doom and gloom attitudes and people – adding fuel to the fire of the “snob” label.
13. Rich people focus on earning
Average people focus on saving and miss big opportunities by trying to live frugally. Rich people constantly focus on the big picture – and how to earn the big bucks.
credits to:www.news.com.au
"And out of them shall proceed THANKSGIVING and the voice of them that make MERRY: and I will MULTIPLY them, and they shall NOT be few"
Jeremiah 30:19
Do you want to be multiplied in every area of your life?
If the answer is yes then there is a simple thing you will need to do Today.
Thank God for His blessings on your Life. Refuse to be SAD instead be full of MERRY heart, the more JOYFUL you become, the more BREAKTHROUGH you enjoy. Pick specific area of your life that you need God's help today and thank Him as an assurance Of your Breakthrough.
Confession:"Lord, I refuse to be SAD because of this CHALLENGE,I thank you because I know my breakthrough is VERY near"
I see you receiving your answers today.
Steven Bikko
CONTINUED FROM PART 3....................................................................................
(Much credits to Roger Darlington).
lets meet in next session...
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
21 IRREFUTABLE LAWS OF LEADERSHIP(Summary from John Maxwell's book)
What you get is not determined by what you want. It’s determined by who you are.
People like you will see you out.
It is possible for a leader to go out and recruit people unlike himself, but those are not the people he will naturally attract.
If you think your people are negative, then you better check your attitude.
Take a look at the following characteristics. You will probably find that you and the people who follow you share common ground in several of these key areas:
The better leader you are, the better leaders you will attract.
If you think the people you attract could be better, then it’s time for you to improve yourself.
Who You Are Is Who You Attract
Effective leaders are always on the lookout for good people. (89)What you get is not determined by what you want. It’s determined by who you are.
People like you will see you out.
It is possible for a leader to go out and recruit people unlike himself, but those are not the people he will naturally attract.
If you think your people are negative, then you better check your attitude.
Take a look at the following characteristics. You will probably find that you and the people who follow you share common ground in several of these key areas:
The better leader you are, the better leaders you will attract.
If you think the people you attract could be better, then it’s time for you to improve yourself.
"But the Lord was WITH Joseph, and SHOWED him MERCY, and GAVE him FAVOUR in the sight of the keeper of the prison"
Genesis 39:21
Prison is meant to be the place of MISERY and HOPELESSNESS, but to Joseph it wasn't so.God was WITH Him even there and Mercy and Favor was Abundant in Joseph's Life.
Sometimes devil do things to DISAPPOINT us, little does he know that he takes us to our STRATEGIC Positions to receive SPECIAL blessings. Every situation caused by anyone to make u SAD, DESTROY your future, STOP your moving forward....Today God is TURNING it into an opportunity of FAVOR and Great MERCIES in your LIFE.
God shall use your PRISON experience to connect you to your PALACE destiny.
Confession-"Every Challenge ahead of me today, it's shall be an opportunity to take me one step AHEAD to my dream, I shall never be stopped, In Jesus Name "So shall it be.
Monday, August 26, 2013
Leaders Evaluate Everything with a Leadership Bias
The best leaders read and respond. (77) The great ones can see things others can’t, make changes, and move forward before others know what’s happening. (78) It’s informed intuition. (78) Leadership is their bias (79).A leader has to read the situation and know instinctively what play to call.
Schwarzkpof was repeatedly able to turn bad situations around as the result of his exceptional leadership intuition.
People need a goal to galvanize them.
Leaders who want to succeed maximize every asset and resource they have for the benefit of their organization.Who you are dictates what you see.
1. Those who naturally see it,
2. Those who are nurtured to see it,
3. Those who will never see it.Whenever leaders find themselves facing a problem, they automatically measure it — and begin solving it — using the Law of Intuition.
Improvement is impossible without a change in leadership.
Leadership is more art than science.
Continued from part 2.....
Lets meet tomorrow for part 4......
"For thus says the LORD; You shall NOT see wind, nor shall you see rain; YET the valley shall be filled with WATER..."
2 KINGS 3:17
Yes, you don't have to see any physical evidence for you to believe it that God will do it.There is something you believe God to do for you, however when you look around there is no any sign of whatsoever kind that shows it is ...going to happen.
Don't worry; THIS IS YOUR WEEK...God shall perform it AGAINST NATURAL laws, Don't doubt Him because there is no any sign so far, Just BELIEVE Him because He is the miracle working-God.
If He created the whole world from NOTHING, then He can also create your miracle from your
SIGN-LESS situation.
CONFESSION-"Lord, I refuse to doubt you because of seeing NO physical sign, Like you filled the valley without any rain, I know you I shall have what I desire even when there is nothing physically that supports that, I shall have my desire fulfilled in JESUS Name, So shall it be.
CONFESSION-"Lord, I refuse to doubt you because of seeing NO physical sign, Like you filled the valley without any rain, I know you I shall have what I desire even when there is nothing physically that supports that, I shall have my desire fulfilled in JESUS Name, So shall it be.
Sunday, August 25, 2013
President Teodoro Obiang Nguema
On 31 July we saw Hon:Robert Gabriel Mugabe wins election by 61% to secure his 7th term at the age of 89.
We take a quick look on the 5 Presidents in Africa who have the longest period in power.
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25 YEARS An ex-army officer Yoweri Museveni led his National Resistance Army into Kampala in January 1986 to seize power. Since then He managed to win 4 elections on his own terms of democracy. Despite,oppositions disputed the results and recently he clamped down on demonstrators that are not happy because of corruption on his government and high living costs in country. |
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29 YEARS In November 1982, Cameroon's first post-independence leader, Ahmadou Ahidjo,formally resigned due to ill-health, and handed the presidency to his Prime Minister, Paul Biya. Cameroon’s president, Paul Biya, described as running government finances “like a petty cash fund”,booked himself and his entourage a $1.2m three week holiday by chartered jet to the French resortof La Baule. They took 43 rooms in two luxury hotels costing $60,000 a night, went on shopping sprees and splashed cash on casino nights. ” reported the US embassy in Cameroon. “When Biya traveled to the United Nations general assembl in September 2008, a member of his entourage was caught as he tried to escape from Biya’s Geneva hotel with a bag filled with 3.4m Swiss francs (about $6.8 million)in cash.” |
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31 YEARS The world cheered when, after leading a long guerrilla war, Robert Mugabe led his Zanu party to victory at the elections in February 1980, after Zimbabwe had won its independence from Britain. But he is no longer a global favorite and the opposition accuses him of destroying his country in a bid to stay in power. The Mugabe administration has been criticized around the world for corruption, suppression of political opposition, mishandling of land reform , economic mismanagement, and the deteriorating human rights situation in Zimbabwe He is now sharing power - but remains president. |
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32 YEARS He's nick name "quite dictator" came to power in September 1979, one month after the longest serving President in Africa came into power. President Jose Eduardo dos Santos assumed power on the death of Angola's first president, Agostinho Neto, But for much of the time after that, he ruled onlyover half the country, as his MPLA fought a civil war against Unita. Now, with the war over, and Unita crushed at parliamentary two years ago elections, he is being called on to hold an election for the presidency. No firm date has yet been set. Since then he has been manipulate the weak opposition. |
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NEARLY 32 YEARS He's now the longest serving President in Africa. President Teodoro Obiang Nguema came to power in August 3, 1979 he deposed his uncle in a violent coup d'état, supported by 600 mercenaries licensed from Hassan II of Morocco, Macias Nguema(uncle), who fled but was later captured and executed. Despite its new-found oil wealth, 60% of the people of Equatorial Guinea live on less than a dollar a day. But they clearly all love President Nguema, as he won 97% of the vote at the last election in 2002. |
Saturday, August 24, 2013
(By John Maxwell)
People Naturally Follow Leaders Stronger Than Themselves
When people respect someone as a person, they admire her. When they respect her as a friend, they love her. When they respect her as a leader, they follow her.
When people get together for the first time as a group, take a look at what happens. As they start interacting, the leaders in the group immediately take charge. They think in terms of the direction they desire to go and who they want to take with them. At first, people may make tentative moves in several different directions, but after the people get to know one another, it doesn’t take long for them to recognize the strongest leaders and to follow them. (71)
Usually the more leadership ability a person has, the more quickly he recognizes leadership — or its lack — in others. In time, people in the group get on board and follow the strongest leaders. Either that or they leave the gorup and pursue their own agenda. (73)
The leader must know, must know he knows, and must be able to make it abundantly clear to those around him that he knows. – Clarence B. Randall
The greatest test of respect comes when a leader creates major change in an organization.
Continued from part one.....
- It is good to use your hands expressively - but do not wave your arms around which will make you look manic.
- Never apologise for your nervousness or your material. You and your speech are probably better than you appreciate but, in any event, if you don't advertise any weaknesses in your style or content, they probably won't be noticed.
- Don't make a rambling opening. There is nothing worse than the speaker who starts with something like: "When I was asked to speak on this subject, I wondered what to say .."
- Make a dramatic opening which seizes the attention with the very first words. This might be a stirring statement: "This year we are going to make a fundamental transformation of our whole organisation". It might be a challenging question: "How can we turn ourselves into an even more successful organisation?" Whatever you do, don't ask a question that invites a cynical answer from your audience: "Are we the best organisation in the country?"
- Have a very clear structure. A good technique is to tell your audience what you are going to say, tell them, and then tell them what you have said. .
- Another possible structure which can work well, if it is appropriate is, to use a narrative or a story. Stories really engage listeners and give a speech direction and flow. For instance, you might be describing how you chose your career or enjoyed a holiday or how a company found success or came to change strategy.
- If you use a narrative structure, you don't necessarily have to begin at the chronological start. Having begun with a dramatic entry point, you can then jump back to the chronological beginning of the story and work forwards. Many novels and films use this structure and it can work for speeches too.
- If you use a narrative structure, you don't necessarily have to finish at the chronological end. You might want to conclude your speech at a dramatic high point - such as when you or the company achieved a particular success - and leave the aftermath to come out in the question and answer session which usually follows a speech. It can be very effective to leave an audience wanting more (rather than the frequent experience of wanting the speaker to hurry up and finish!).
- If it is appropriate, use PowerPoint. It ensures that you stick to your structure and that the structure is clear to your audience. It looks professional and you can use images as well text. On the other hand, use of PowerPoint will probably increase the time it takes you to prepare your speech and it will make it harder to vary the speech on the day if that is what you find you want to do.
- Finally, many people feel that they've seen far too many PowerPoint presentations and quite like a less formal approach.
- If you do decide to use PowerPoint, slides should not consist of simply a few words or conversely a mass of text. Three to five bullet points of five or six words each is ideal. For further advice on the use of slides.
- Put the main verb early in the sentence, especially if it is a long sentence. So, not: "When we have all the facts and we have considered all the options, we shall make our decision". But instead: "We shall make our decision, when we have all the facts and we have considered all the options" .
"Your ears SHALL HEAR a WORD behind you, saying, “This is the WAY, WALK in it,” Whenever you turn to the right hand Or whenever you turn to the Left"
Isaiah 30:21
Is there any area in your Life that u desire so Much to hear God TELLING you exactly thing to do?
Is there a major decision you want to make in your Life and you need a SPECIFIC direction from God?
When was the Last time you heard God...'s voice in your life?
Today; God desires so much to clear every doubt in your heart by SPEAKING CLEARLY to you. It is God's specific INSTRUCTION in your LIFE that will lead to your DISTINCTION.
Whatever has been hindering you from hearing from God shall never hinder you today. You shall hear His VOICE and you shall never Make any step by mistake in your Life. I am CONFIDENT that TODAY, God shall talk to you about one of the major issues of your life, be SENSITIVE.
CONFESSION-"Lord, I pray that you open my spiritual ears so that I won't miss your voice today, whatever/whoever is prepared to divert my attention from you, is defeated in Jesus Name"
I see God's INSTRUCTION brings REVOLUTION in your Life today, so shall it be in Jesus Name.Please,never forget to let me know when HE speaks to you.
Isaiah 30:21
Is there any area in your Life that u desire so Much to hear God TELLING you exactly thing to do?
Is there a major decision you want to make in your Life and you need a SPECIFIC direction from God?
When was the Last time you heard God...'s voice in your life?
Today; God desires so much to clear every doubt in your heart by SPEAKING CLEARLY to you. It is God's specific INSTRUCTION in your LIFE that will lead to your DISTINCTION.
Whatever has been hindering you from hearing from God shall never hinder you today. You shall hear His VOICE and you shall never Make any step by mistake in your Life. I am CONFIDENT that TODAY, God shall talk to you about one of the major issues of your life, be SENSITIVE.
CONFESSION-"Lord, I pray that you open my spiritual ears so that I won't miss your voice today, whatever/whoever is prepared to divert my attention from you, is defeated in Jesus Name"
I see God's INSTRUCTION brings REVOLUTION in your Life today, so shall it be in Jesus Name.Please,never forget to let me know when HE speaks to you.
Friday, August 23, 2013
- Remember: an excellent speech does not require a brilliant orator - you can do it. Winston Churchill is commonly regarded as one of the greatest speakers in the English language, yet he regretted the lack of practice in public speaking that he would have gained had he gone to university and he suffered from a slight lisp and a stammer. The key is preparation.
- You are probably making this speech at an event which has a programme which has been published beforehand. So make sure that the title of your speech is catchy and then people will be looking forward to it even before the event.
- Making a good speech starts weeks before with thorough preparation. You should have been thinking of themes and points, noting down ideas and sources, crafting phrases and sentences.
- The best speeches tell your audience things they didn't know and/or give them insights they didn't have. So:
-----In respect of the second, look at the subject differently - think 'out of the box'.
- You should have finalized the notes or text or slides at least the day before, so that you can concentrate on reading through the material, becoming very familiar and comfortable with it, and thinking about the actual delivery.
- Remember: expectation shapes reality. This means that, to some extent you can have won or lost your audience even before you are really into your speech. If people think you're going to be good, that will help them to perceive you as good. So your biographical details in the programme material and how the chair introduces you are both important and you can influence them. Conversely, if people think you're going to be poor, that will condition them to seeing you as poor. So never begin by saying that you were unsure why you were invited to speak or what you should say and, unless it is obvious (for instance because you have a terrible cold), never admit to feeling anxious, unsure or unwell.
- Once you are called upon to make your speech, pause for a couple of moments before actually starting your delivery. If you've had to walk up to a platform or over to a rostrum, this gives you time to steady your breath. If you are nervous as a speaker, it gives you time to take a few shallow breaths and calm those nerves. In any event, it gives the audience an opportunity to settle down and focus on you and your message. But the pause should be a few seconds only.
- If you are not using a microphone, be aware of the need to speak sufficiently loudly that the furthest member of your audience can hear you clearly. Take the opportunity to move around a little which will help to command attention.
- If you are using a microphone, speak at normal volume, but a little more slowly and distinctly than if you were not using amplification. Don't move around because you'll leave the microphone behind (unless it is fixed to you).
- You should convey a sense of enthusiasm for the subject. This will effect your delivery and how your speech is received.
- Occasionally alter the speed, volume and tone of your delivery. Speaking slower or faster and quieter or louder and being more cheerful or more serious all adds dramatic effect and keeps the attention of your audience.
- Regularly sweep your eyes left-center-right and back and front-middle-rear and back, so that you engage all members of your audience. The actor Tom Cruise once told an interviewer: "A lot of the time, what acting is really about is meeting someone's eye" - the same is true of public speaking.
credits to:Roger Darlington
Trust Is the Foundation of Leadership
When it comes to leadership, you just can’t take shortcuts, no matter how long you’ve been leading your people.
To build trust, a leader must exemplify competence, connection, and character.
Character makes trust possible. And trust makes leadership possible. That is the Law of Solid Ground.
No man can climb out beyond the limitations of his own character – John Morley
How do leaders earn respect? By making sound decisions, admitting their mistakes, and putting what’s best for their followers and the organization ahead of their personal agendas.
The only thing that walks back from the bomb with the mourners and refuses to be buried is the character of a man. This is true. What a man survives him. It can never be buried. – J.R. Miller
Who killed
the lion king?
There is actually no murder mystery:
Thomas Sankara was killed after four years as President of Burkina Faso, it was
at the orders – if not at the hands – of one of his oldest friends, now
President Blaise Compaoré. Echoes of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar as much
as Disney’s The Lion King. Why should we care about this particular
African tragedy?
We should care because the
revolution Sankara led between 1983 and 1987 was one of the most creative and
radical that Africa has produced in the decades since independence. He started
to blaze a trail that other African countries might follow, a genuine
alternative to Western-style modernization – and, like other radical African
leaders such as Patrice Lumumba and Amilcar Cabral, was shot down as a result.
Whereas his murderer, still in power eight now twenty years later, has pursued
self-enrichment and politics as usual – and has been fêted by the West for his
An incorruptible
A major anti-corruption drive began in 1987. The tribunal showed Captain Thomas Sankara to have a salary of only $450 a month and his most valuable possessions to be a car, four bikes, three guitars, a fridge and a broken freezer. He was the world’s poorest president.
Sankara refused to use the air conditioning in his office on the grounds that such luxury was not available to anyone but a handful of Burkinabes.
When asked why he had let it be known that he did not want his portrait hung in public places, as is the norm for other African leaders (and as Blaise Compaoré does now), Sankara said ‘There are seven million Thomas Sankaras’
"Which doeth GREAT things PAST FINDING OUT; yea, and WONDERS without number"
Job 9:10
Today is very special day because you shall see the WONDERS of God in your Life. Whatever thing that is beyond HUMAN power it shall be accomplished by DIVINE power. There is a GREAT thing about to happen in your Life; It is beyond what you think and know: It is past finding out.
His nature is to do Wonders without number, if you can still COUNT great miracles in your life this year then it means He is not done with you. It has to get to a point where there will be COUNTLESS wonders in your Life.
I am Glad some of those Great things are Happening today in your Life before the day is OVER.
CONFESSION-"Lord, I know today there are GREAT things and WONDERS about to happen in my life, I commit unto your hand this day, for I know it shall not end without SEEING GREAT things in my life"
Job 9:10
Today is very special day because you shall see the WONDERS of God in your Life. Whatever thing that is beyond HUMAN power it shall be accomplished by DIVINE power. There is a GREAT thing about to happen in your Life; It is beyond what you think and know: It is past finding out.
His nature is to do Wonders without number, if you can still COUNT great miracles in your life this year then it means He is not done with you. It has to get to a point where there will be COUNTLESS wonders in your Life.
I am Glad some of those Great things are Happening today in your Life before the day is OVER.
CONFESSION-"Lord, I know today there are GREAT things and WONDERS about to happen in my life, I commit unto your hand this day, for I know it shall not end without SEEING GREAT things in my life"
I see this day Marks a New beginning in your Life by Great Happenings in your Life. So shall it be in Jesus Name.
Thursday, August 22, 2013
"As for me, I will CALL upon God; and the Lord shall SAVE me"
Psalm 55:16
There is no situation that God can't help you to get out from. If there is one thing in your life that you need God's intervention, it can happen now.
God is waiting to hear your voice calling for His help, when you keep quite you are simply allowing the devil to take control.God wants to save you from that SHAME,LOSS,DEFEAT AND PAIN. Can you call Him now and SEE HIS SAVING hand in your Life Today.
Remember, it is NOT too late for God to help you.
Confess-"Lord, I know there is no too late with you, even in this I shall have my testimony, I shall win, shame and failure shall never be part of my life, I know you shall save me, In Jesus Name"
So shall it be..,
Psalm 55:16
There is no situation that God can't help you to get out from. If there is one thing in your life that you need God's intervention, it can happen now.
God is waiting to hear your voice calling for His help, when you keep quite you are simply allowing the devil to take control.God wants to save you from that SHAME,LOSS,DEFEAT AND PAIN. Can you call Him now and SEE HIS SAVING hand in your Life Today.
Remember, it is NOT too late for God to help you.
Confess-"Lord, I know there is no too late with you, even in this I shall have my testimony, I shall win, shame and failure shall never be part of my life, I know you shall save me, In Jesus Name"
So shall it be..,
"Cast Your BURDEN upon the Lord, and he shall SUSTAIN you: he shall NEVER suffer the righteous to be moved"
Psalm 55:22
Every time when there is any burden in your life God desires to relieve you.However,He can't forceful take it from you,it has to be willingly by you casting it to Him.
Today,REFUSE to carry anything in your MIND or HEART that is a burden in one way or another.May you cast whatever troubles you to God and He shall SUSTAIN you throughout.He shall NEVER allow you to be defeated today.
CONFESSION-"Lord,thank you because I will never allow this burden(mention it) to steal my joy,I cast it to you and as your word says,today I Shall be SUSTAINED in everything,shame,lack and Loss shall never be part of my Life"
So shall it be In Jesus Name.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
"And being NOT WEAK in faith, he CONSIDERED NOT his own body NOW DEAD, when he was about an hundred years old, neither yet the DEADNESS of Sarah's womb"
Romans 4:19
God has great things prepared for you today,however you will need to believe BEYOND what you see physically to receive your PROMISE.
Abraham had great promise from God but the physical evidence was very contrary to the promise.Do you know how he received the Promise?"He REFUSED to CONSIDER all negative situations".This is what you need to do in your Life,to INTENTIONALLY REFUSE to consider/be discouraged/be intimidated by whatever thing that seem to be against your progress.
CONFESS-"I fully believe in God,every situation that shows my dream,plan or expectation is impossible;I REFUSE to be discouraged by them,In Jesus Name"
Just as Abraham became great in the midst of negative surroundings.I see you emerging a CHAMPION in the midst of those CHALLENGES.So shall it be in Jesus Name
Romans 4:19
God has great things prepared for you today,however you will need to believe BEYOND what you see physically to receive your PROMISE.
Abraham had great promise from God but the physical evidence was very contrary to the promise.Do you know how he received the Promise?"He REFUSED to CONSIDER all negative situations".This is what you need to do in your Life,to INTENTIONALLY REFUSE to consider/be discouraged/be intimidated by whatever thing that seem to be against your progress.
CONFESS-"I fully believe in God,every situation that shows my dream,plan or expectation is impossible;I REFUSE to be discouraged by them,In Jesus Name"
Just as Abraham became great in the midst of negative surroundings.I see you emerging a CHAMPION in the midst of those CHALLENGES.So shall it be in Jesus Name
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
"I know your works: behold, I have set before you an OPEN DOOR, and NO man can SHUT it: for you have a little strength..."
Revelation 3:8
Hallelujah!What a God news for you today.God is neither a man that He should lie nor son of man that He should repent;He means what He says and He says what He means.There is a special breakthrough for you today set by God Himself no one shall be able to stop it... from you.There is favor prepared for you today,there is an answer to your longtime desire today,NO ONE CAN CHANGE IT.Any area of your Life that you need an EXIT,God has chosen this day to Open doors for you.Anything that looked like a prison in your life,there is freedom today. Whatever was closed against me before, today is the day for it to be opened.
Confess"Today is my day of breakthrough,I shall Locate my opportunity,I shall find my way out from this challenge,NOTHING shall be able to stop me from having what I need,In Jesus Name"
So shall it be.
Monday, August 19, 2013
".... I will even MAKE a WAY in the WILDERNESS, and RIVERS in the DESERT..." Isaiah 43:19
God is speaking to you today.Whatever wilderness experience that you are going through,it shall never continue in your life;there is a way out from it.God shall clearly show you how to get out of that challenge.He is sending someone to stand with you and walk with you to your breakthrough door.That desert experience that has been challenging your Life;there are Rivers being formed by God,your time to be REFRESHED has come.No more Tears,No more sorrow,No more loneliness,No more pain...God is saying No MORE of any negative feeling in your Life.He is introducing you to your REFRESHING MOMENT.
Confession"From today,No more of any negative experience in my Life,I shall be refreshed in everything,I say again NO MORE tears"
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